Vp Moving Average Price Variance

Gerenciamento de Riscos e Além de Orçamentação por Matthew Leitch, 6 de março de 2003 Introdução: um senso de proteção Os líderes empresariais querem uma sensação de proteção contra os perigos de um futuro incerto. Os investidores querem sentir que os diretores das empresas que investem sabem o que está acontecendo e o que acontecerá. Eles querem sentir que o gerenciamento está no controle. Controle orçamentário e sistemas similares de configuração de objetivos e recompensas tentaram proporcionar essa sensação de conforto. No entanto, se o controle orçamentário realmente proporcionasse o controle no mundo de rápido movimento, complexo e turbulento de hoje, as empresas cujos sistemas de controle orçamentário foram operados rigorosamente não receberiam surpresas desagradáveis, mas sim. Em 3 de dezembro de 2002, o Daily Telegraph relatou um embaraço para a BP, uma das empresas mais poderosas e respeitadas do mundo. No início desse ano, a BP tinha sido forçada a reduzir seus objetivos de crescimento em mais de uma ocasião. O jornal informou que Lord Browne disse que ele se sentiu humilhado quando a empresa reduziu suas metas de crescimento de 5,5pc para o ano até 3pc. Essa humilhação não foi apenas porque os alvos haviam caído. De acordo com um porta-voz, ele ficou surpreso que não tivemos uma idéia clara no início do processo de downgrading. A BP comprometeu-se a investigar completamente por que os diretores não dispunham de informações adequadas sobre as operações da empresa em questão no início do ano em que a sequência de rebaixamentos de metas de produção forçou o preço da ação a uma baixa de quatro anos. Lord Browne disse que os executivos de nível médio foram convidados a se afastar por um momento (não literalmente como foi explicado mais tarde) enquanto a empresa tentava avaliar o que estava acontecendo no nível da base. Os resultados desta revisão foram esperados, juntamente com os resultados do grupo em todo o ano em fevereiro de 2003, mas na verdade nenhuma explicação foi dada. Em vez disso, Lord Browne explicou que a BP indicaria intervalos estimados no futuro e que anunciava alvos de um único ponto. Pode distorcer a implementação da estratégia. A BP é uma empresa muito admirada e geralmente corre bem. Ele opera um sistema de controle orçamentário convencional com rigor e, em teoria, tais surpresas não devem acontecer. Os estranhos só podem especular sobre o que realmente aconteceu. No entanto, é provável que eles tenham perdido a visão de seu futuro por causa de seu sistema de controle orçamentário, e não apesar disso. Este artigo discute o verdadeiro contributo do controle orçamentário e o papel potencial de um estilo reformado de gerenciamento de riscos no modelo Beyond Budgeting. O modelo Beyond Budgeting é uma alternativa completa ao controle orçamentário, e é assim, cuja eficácia superior foi demonstrada na prática. Foi desenvolvido a partir de extensas pesquisas de estudo de caso de Jeremy Hope, Robin Fraser e Dr. Peter Bunce da Mesa Redonda de Orçamento Beyond (patrocinado nos últimos 5 anos por cerca de 60 empresas líderes). Definições Mas, primeiro, algumas definições para explicar os termos e introduzir os conceitos-chave que distinguem abordagens alternativas ao controle de gerenciamento. Controle orçamentário Neste documento, o controle orçamentário refere-se a qualquer abordagem de gerenciamento que implique a definição de algum tipo de metas, medindo regularmente variações entre os objetivos originais e os resultados reais e motivando as pessoas a reduzir essas variações. Esse tipo de controle geralmente usa orçamentos, mas estes dias os alvos podem ser uma mistura de metas financeiras e não financeiras. As empresas são pensadas como sendo controladas por um conjunto de loops de controle, cada um como o termostato de um sistema de aquecimento central. Na teoria do controle, estes são chamados de controles de feedback negativos. (Isso não é porque o feedback tem um efeito negativo sobre as pessoas envolvidas, mas porque o feedback é usado para reduzir a variância. Um loop de feedback positivo é aquele em que o feedback aumenta a variância.) O controle orçamentário tenta lidar com incertezas futuras reagindo quando O inesperado torna-se evidente através de variações. O sistema sempre tenta retornar ao resultado original desejado. Este estilo de controle invadiu quase todas as principais empresas do mundo desenvolvido e superou muitos desenvolvimentos potencialmente interessantes no gerenciamento de pensamento. Por exemplo, o balanced scorecard foi inicialmente uma expansão interessante de informações de gerenciamento, mas em breve a filosofia do termostato foi adicionada na tentativa de fornecer um sistema de gerenciamento mais completo. Em muitos manuais de gestão, o gerenciamento eo controle de gerenciamento são definidos em termos de metas e monitoramento e gerenciamento de variações. É quase como se não houvesse alternativas. Na verdade, existem alternativas. O controle orçamentário é uma invenção do século 20 ligada à cibernética e à teoria do controle. Seu crescimento é provavelmente o resultado do fascínio com idéias cibernéticas em um momento em que as corporações estavam crescendo a tamanhos surpreendentes. Gerenciamento de riscos O gerenciamento de riscos é uma atividade em que as pessoas antecipam e proativamente gerenciam possíveis resultados futuros que não sejam alguns resultados de referência. O resultado de referência geralmente é o resultado planejado ou o resultado mais provável. (Os resultados planejados e mais prováveis ​​não são os mesmos, embora sejam frequentemente tratados como tais no controle orçamentário.) Por exemplo, considere um empréstimo feito a um cliente por um banco. Existe a possibilidade de o cliente não pagar o empréstimo. Isso é chamado de risco de inadimplência. Esse risco é um risco de queda porque o resultado de referência usual é que a coisa mais provável acontecerá e que o cliente pagará todo o dinheiro. Outro exemplo irá ilustrar a ideia de risco ascendente e mostrar o que acontece quando existem muitos resultados potenciais. Imagine que uma empresa executa uma série de propagandas para aumentar as vendas. Ele previu o valor mais provável pelo qual as vendas aumentarão como resultado, mas o nível real poderia ser maior ou menor do que isso. Existe um conjunto de riscos ascendentes que representam vários níveis de aumento acima do benchmark e um conjunto de riscos que representam vários níveis de aumento abaixo do benchmark. O futuro é incerto, mas uma coisa em que podemos estar quase certo é que o resultado mais provável de uma situação não será o resultado real. É quase certo que o resultado real será outra coisa. Por isso, faz sentido pensar e tentar gerenciar, mais do que apenas o resultado mais provável: pesquisando e monitorando fontes de informação para mais indicações sobre o futuro, fazendo planos que reflitam possíveis resultados alternativos, fazendo as coisas antecipadamente para modificar O impacto de resultados alternativos, eles devem ocorrer e fazer coisas para mudar a probabilidade de resultados alternativos. A maioria das empresas tem um processo formal de gerenciamento de riscos para cumprir os regulamentos de governança corporativa, mas também gerenciar riscos fora desse processo formal, informalmente e formalmente dentro de outros sistemas de gerenciamento. O gerenciamento de risco formal geralmente é feito em oficinas ou reuniões e tipicamente envolve a elaboração de matrizes de incertezas, riscos e ações. Normalmente, há alguma forma de avaliação para ajudar a priorizar as ações e avaliar se as ações são suficientes. É comum começar com um plano de ação, em seguida, usar o gerenciamento de riscos para modificá-lo e adicionar ações de mitigação. O gerenciamento de riscos lida com incertezas futuras por antecipação e ação antecipada. O modelo Beyond Budgeting O modelo Beyond Budgeting é uma iniciativa emocionante baseada em vários estudos de caso de grandes organizações que pararam de usar o controle orçamentário. Nenhuma dessas organizações sempre perdeu o controle de si mesmo. Em vez disso, essas organizações se beneficiaram imediatamente de poupar tempo em argumentos orçamentários e reafectá-lo para um planejamento adaptativo mais proativo e freqüente. A medição e a recompensa são baseadas no desempenho em comparação com organizações ou unidades de negócios similares e no desempenho nas condições que realmente ocorreram, em vez de em metas absolutas acordadas no início de um exercício financeiro. Para mais informações sobre o modelo Beyond Budgeting, visite bbrt. org. Além de Orçamentar é também um dos exemplos de Gerenciamento Dinâmico citados no meu artigo Uma nova abordagem para o controle de gerenciamento: Gerenciamento Dinâmico. Por que o controle orçamentário bloqueia a gestão de riscos, mas além do orçamento não. O gerenciamento de riscos tornou-se cada vez mais importante ao longo das últimas décadas, particularmente nas organizações de serviços financeiros. No entanto, seu potencial total não foi atingido. O controle orçamentário é uma das principais razões para isso. O controle orçamentário bloqueou o gerenciamento de riscos das seguintes maneiras: os métodos de gerenciamento de risco foram projetados para apoiar o controle orçamentário, de modo que quase todos se concentram exclusivamente em coisas ruins que podem acontecer, criando um processo de gerenciamento negativo e que pode ser desmotivador. Isso, por sua vez, tem um recurso de gerenciamento de risco limitado. O controle orçamentário estimula as pessoas a suprimir a incerteza. Eles não falam sobre isso, não pensam nisso e, portanto, não gerenciem o mesmo que pudessem. Isso desencoraja as pessoas de participarem no gerenciamento de riscos. Ambas as atividades oferecem um meio de lidar com um futuro incerto, mas o controle orçamentário é o concorrente entrincheirado apesar de suas limitações. Ao entender esses blocos com mais detalhes, podemos começar a ver como a gestão de riscos poderia e deveria ser reformada dentro do modelo Beyond Budgeting. Problemas técnicos com os processos atuais de gerenciamento de riscos Os processos de gerenciamento de risco em muitas empresas estão criados com falhas técnicas, prejudicando sua credibilidade e valor. (Para mais informações, leia meu artigo A crise no controle de gestão e governança corporativa que também contém um questionário para procurar as falhas mais comuns.) No entanto, a maior falha é o resultado da tentativa de gerir gerenciamento de risco de controle orçamentário, fornecendo um meio De alcançar os objetivos comerciais originais, não importa o que aconteça. A maioria das descrições do gerenciamento de riscos enfatiza seu papel ao ajudar as organizações a alcançar seus objetivos de negócios e, claro, isso significa seus objetivos originais. Uma vez que a ação, se os resultados se revelarem melhor do que o esperado, é simplesmente aliviar, todo o foco de gerenciamento de risco está em resultados pior do que o esperado. Isso, por sua vez, tornou a gestão de risco negativa e impopular. Uma oficina de gerenciamento de riscos geralmente é uma sessão em que as pessoas se sentam ao redor de uma mesa de conferência e falam sobre o que pode dar errado eo que eles estão fazendo sobre isso. Não é algo que as pessoas geralmente gostam de fazer ou fazer sem permissão especial. Se o seu chefe propor um plano e você responde com uma lista de coisas que podem dar errado, que podem ser mal tomadas. Os gerentes de risco são pensados ​​como pessoas inerentemente cautelosas que preferem dizer o número. Nos últimos anos, os gerentes de risco começaram a falar sobre a vantagem dos riscos e sobre o gerenciamento de riscos e oportunidades. Alguns sugeriram chamar o gerenciamento de incerteza do gerenciamento de risco em vez disso para mostrar que se refere a todos os resultados alternativos e não apenas aos mais ruins. Esta é a direção futura para a gestão de riscos, mas o controle orçamentário está no caminho. É difícil o suficiente para levar as pessoas a discutir resultados inesperadamente fracos. Pode ser ainda mais difícil levá-los a falar sobre resultados inesperadamente favoráveis ​​dentro de uma cultura de controle orçamentário. As pessoas ficam em silêncio em vez de tentar seu chefe a aumentar os alvos. O modelo Beyond Budgeting estabelece a gestão de riscos livre de tudo isso. Promove uma cultura em que a incerteza é aceita e os resultados podem subir e diminuir. O gerenciamento de risco - ou gerenciamento de incerteza para dar-lhe o novo nome - pode se tornar um processo equilibrado e popular em que as incertezas são abertamente discutidas e gerenciadas. Supressão da incerteza A falta de vontade para discutir resultados diferentes do planejado faz parte do fenômeno mais amplo da supressão da incerteza. Quando os líderes deixam claro que eles esperam ver a entrega de resultados originalmente comprometidos de acordo com os orçamentos e os prazos originais, e que eles esperam que os gerentes estejam certos em suas mentes e ações, as pessoas geralmente respondem fingindo estar mais certo do que estão, e Por não falar sobre, pensar ou gerir incerteza. Eles podem ser empurrados para assumir compromissos prematuros com metas excessivamente específicas, e quando as coisas correm mal, eles mantêm o segredo, esperando recuperar. Se isso não acontecer, eventualmente as más notícias sairão - muitas vezes tarde demais para que qualquer coisa seja feita. Os líderes devem deixar claro que eles estão procurando uma excelente gestão e planejamento de riscos e devem encorajar as pessoas a serem abertas sobre incertezas, discuti-las de maneira realista e gerenciá-las. O controle orçamentário envia mensagens erradas e causa supressão de incerteza. Esta é a explicação mais provável para os problemas de BP, embora os detalhes completos provavelmente nunca serão conhecidos. No entanto, outra empresa famosa que sofreu supressão de incerteza tornou públicos os detalhes. Boo foi um dos vendedores de Internet mais divulgados pela internet na corrida do ouro. Após o fracasso, Ernst Malmsten, CEO e um dos fundadores do negócio, escreveu um livro chamado Boo Hoo que descreveu em detalhes exatamente o que aconteceu. Tendo escolhido um modelo de negócios inerentemente ambicioso e arriscado, Ernst inicialmente lutou para obter financiamento. No entanto, à medida que o interesse na Internet aumentou, esse problema foi superado e a empresa se moveu a toda velocidade para o lançamento global. Infelizmente, a velocidade máxima não foi suficientemente rápida no departamento de TI. Ernst estava preocupado e vários compromissos foram procurados, obtidos e quebrados. O gerente de tecnologia estava suprimindo sua incerteza e Ernst involuntariamente encorajou-o a fazê-lo. Finalmente, a Ernst procurou uma opinião independente de alguns consultores de e-business que fizeram suas consultas e relataram uma séria falta de atividades básicas de gerenciamento de riscos nessa área. (Embora graves, estas não eram fraquezas incomuns.) Ernst percebeu seu erro e explica com franqueza em seu livro. Eu estava começando a me perguntar como já acreditávamos que estávamos a poucas semanas do lançamento. Foi uma delusão em massa. Nós não tínhamos visto, ou simplesmente fechamos nossos olhos, todos os sinais de alerta. Então, quem era o culpado. Era as empresas de tecnologia para fazer promessas que não podiam entregar em parte. Claro que seria fácil culpar o gerente de tecnologia Steven Bennett boos, mas quando finalmente chegou a isso, percebi com um sentimento de afundamento, eu tinha que assumir a responsabilidade. Como o CEO, meu pescoço estava na linha, mesmo assim. Eu era o único que todos culpariam se a empresa não iniciasse. Mas eu sabia que eles também estarão certos. Em vez de se concentrar de uma só vez em conseguir o site funcionando, tentei implementar uma visão imensamente complexa e ambiciosa em sua totalidade. Nossa revista on-line, o lançamento dos escritórios no exterior, o desenvolvimento de novas linhas de produtos para vender em nosso site - estas foram todas as coisas que poderiam ter esperado até o site estar em operação. Mas eu queria construir a utopia instantaneamente. Tinha levado onze missões Apollo para pousar na lua que eu queria fazer tudo em uma. Nem tido em conta a enorme pressão que essa visão criou. Estava muito à frente da infra-estrutura que tivemos para apoiá-lo, mas proibi toda conversa de falhas ou atrasos como derrotista. O resultado foi que, em vez de revelar suas preocupações, as pessoas preferiram andar cegamente nas armas. Após este choque, a empresa reagiu com muita força, mas não foi suficiente. Concorrência entre controle orçamentário e gerenciamento de riscos Tanto o controle orçamentário como a gestão de riscos oferecem para ajudar os gerentes a lidar com a incerteza sobre o futuro. No entanto, o controle orçamentário tem quatro fraquezas fundamentais neste papel: nenhuma ação é realizada até ocorrer uma variância, que muitas vezes é tarde demais. É como dirigir um carro por uma estrada movimentada com os olhos fixados no milômetro para procurar desvios do plano. É mais seguro dirigir com os olhos ansiosos para a estrada à frente, alertas para sinais de perigo potencial e aberturas no trânsito. O planejamento adaptativo com gerenciamento de riscos é assim. Muitas vezes, não há ação que leve o negócio do projeto de volta à pista. Os loops de feedback negativo parecem um mecanismo de controle perfeito até você lembrar que eles assumem que existe uma ação que pode levá-lo de volta aos trilhos. Na prática, muitas vezes não existe tal ação. Gerentes de negócios normalmente são limitados em recursos, tempo decorrido e qualidade, então não há nada que eles possam trocar. O fato de que nenhuma ação é realizada até que os resultados já tenham sido danificados seja outro motivo pelo qual uma ação de recuperação geralmente não existe. A notícia ruim é mais provável que signifique mais más notícias no futuro porque geralmente mostra que as condições são menos favoráveis ​​do que era esperado. A reação aos resultados melhor do que o esperado é diminuir. Parece absurdo que um negócio que esteja melhorando do que o esperado deve aliviar, mas isso é precisamente o que acontece sob controle de feedback negativo. Imagine uma empresa com vários novos produtos que lhes aplica controle orçamentário. O gerenciamento sensível de portfólio de produtos exige detectar os produtos que estão funcionando bem e despejando, enquanto investigam produtos que estão lutando e estão preparados para reduzir as perdas ao matar o produto. O controle orçamentário conduz precisamente o comportamento oposto à medida que as pessoas realizam heroísmo tentando resgatar as falhas em detrimento dos sucessos em potencial. Ele desencadeia a supressão da incerteza. Este é o ponto discutido extensamente na sub-seção anterior. Embora o controle orçamentário não seja muito efetivo, foi adotado primeiro e sua posição está entrincheirada. Na maioria das empresas, o controle orçamentário influencia o status, o salário e as promoções. Em algumas empresas, as reuniões de controle orçamentário estão entre as mais carregadas e estressantes. Estas são as reuniões em que os líderes empresariais afirmam o seu domínio. Em comparação, o gerenciamento formal de risco tende a ser um exercício feito para cumprir os regulamentos de governança corporativa, enquanto a gestão informal de riscos é muitas vezes casual. O modelo Beyond Budgeting enfatiza o planejamento pró-ativo e adaptativo, freqüentemente repetido. Aceita que o futuro é incerto e flexiona com as condições. Fornece incentivos para continuar a derramar o esforço, mesmo se você estiver tendo um grande sucesso. Isto é como dirigir um carro com seus olhos ansiosos para a estrada à frente. O gerenciamento de riscos naturalmente se encaixa nisso como o processo pelo qual as aberturas potenciais no trânsito e os perigos potenciais são antecipados, procurados, preparados e tratados. Reformando o gerenciamento de riscos Se os processos formais de gerenciamento de riscos de uma organização forem apoiar o modelo Beyond Budgeting, em vez de enfraquecê-lo, eles quase certamente precisam ser revisados. As reformas provavelmente entrarão em três tipos: um novo objetivo para a gestão de riscos. Técnicas mais rápidas e fáceis para um uso mais difundido. Quantificação mais sofisticada de riscos em grandes decisões. Um novo propósito Em vez de ser uma maneira de atingir os objetivos originais, não importa o que, o gerenciamento de riscos deve se tornar uma maneira de levar as pessoas a pensar sobre a gama completa de resultados futuros potenciais e gerenciá-los por meio de ações adiantadas quando apropriado. Isso também significa que, ao invés de apenas considerar coisas que poderiam dar errado, as pessoas deveriam considerar resultados melhores e piores do que o esperado. Isso ajudaria a renomear o processo Gerenciamento de risco e oportunidade ou apenas gerenciamento de incerteza, embora a frase gerenciamento de risco tenha que ser mantida para declarações externas sobre governança corporativa. Tendo removido a negatividade do gerenciamento de risco convencional, o processo será mais atraente e haverá menos resistência para fazer mais disso. Risco de aceleração O gerenciamento de incertezas deve ser uma parte normal da maioria das deliberações, pelo que deve ser possível fazê-lo de forma rápida e conveniente. Se a equipe superior tiver que gastar meio dia fora do site com flipcharts toda vez para fazer isso, isso não será prático. Existem várias técnicas para acelerar o processo, mas o mais importante é poder trabalhar em um nível superior. O estilo usual de gerenciamento de riscos tenta trabalhar ao nível dos riscos individuais. Cada risco é identificado e avaliado para ajudar na priorização. Normalmente, existem duas avaliações separadas: probabilidade e impacto. As ações listadas geralmente são descritas como mitigação ou como controles. Trabalhar nesse nível é muitas vezes útil, mas pode ser laborioso e existem certos riscos que as pessoas muitas vezes querem considerar que não podem ser tratadas assim. Precisamos ser capazes de trabalhar no nível de conjuntos de riscos, também conhecidos como áreas de incerteza, ou apenas como incertezas. Área de incerteza dos riscos A demanda é 10 acima da nossa melhor estimativa. A demanda é 15 acima da nossa melhor estimativa. A demanda é 20 acima da nossa melhor estimativa. A falha técnica mais comum nos registros de risco de hoje é que a coluna de risco é quase sempre usada para conjuntos de riscos, mas as classificações são enquadradas para riscos individuais. Por exemplo, você pode estimar a probabilidade de Perda de participação de mercado, mas qual é o impacto. Obviamente, isso depende da quantidade de market share perdida. O risco A perda de participação de mercado é realmente um conjunto infinito de riscos, um por cada possível nível de perda. Avaliar corretamente esses conjuntos de riscos requer uma distribuição de probabilidade (ou distribuição de densidade de probabilidade para variação contínua) de impacto. Isso pode ser feito, por exemplo, reunindo uma seqüência de classificações para a probabilidade de níveis de impacto estar em vários intervalos. Uma aproximação aproximada a isso que pode ser feita de forma rápida e fácil é pedir classificações em duas etapas: qual é o intervalo provável para esta variável (talvez definido como o menor intervalo para o qual você está certo de que o valor estará no intervalo). ) Qual é a variação no impacto sobre esse intervalo Por exemplo, qual é o intervalo provável para o crescimento total do mercado no próximo ano, então Qual é a diferença de impacto para nós entre o melhor e o pior A mitigação assumida deve ser cuidadosamente definida. Isso pode ser feito assumindo um determinado conjunto de ações de mitigação ou assumindo uma série de ações de mitigação para que você possa ver os melhores e piores resultados que podem ser alcançados em todas as possíveis estratégias de mitigação possíveis. Trabalhando no nível de áreas de incerteza, muitas vezes não é necessário fazer classificações. Se uma incerteza é, obviamente, importante, não há necessidade de classificações, a menos que atuar sobre isso também é dispendioso e é necessário um julgamento difícil. Muitas vezes, as primeiras e mais importantes ações em gerenciamento de incerteza são descobrir mais, ou pelo menos, colocar no local de monitoramento para que mais possam ser aprendidas ao longo do tempo. Isso novamente não precisa estar ao nível dos riscos individuais. Aqui está uma ilustração de um design de tabela simples que acomoda raciocínio de alto nível sobre a incerteza: Tabela para gerenciamento de incerteza rápido e fácil Área de incerteza conjunto de riscos Com técnicas simples como esta, é possível para todos praticar o gerenciamento da incerteza melhor, o tempo todo. Modelagem quantitativa explícita da incerteza. Quase todas as principais empresas afirmam que considera riscos ao tomar decisões comerciais importantes. No Reino Unido, a redação que aparece em seu relatório de governança corporativa geralmente diz que seus procedimentos incluem algo como isto:. A consideração de riscos e os planos de ação adequados, ao avaliar e aprovar todos os principais projetos de capital e receita e alterar programas. Atualmente, essa consideração geralmente não se estende à quantificação da incerteza nos modelos financeiros subjacentes a essas decisões importantes. Como resultado, os modelos financeiros podem ser altamente enganadores. Não só sugerem maior certeza do que deveria, mas mesmo a melhor estimativa provavelmente será incorreta devido à falha de médias e outros efeitos. Esta falha é a tendência de assumir que as entradas médias (ou melhores estimativas) levarão a saídas médias, portanto, não é necessário considerar outras entradas possíveis na obtenção do resultado de saída. Na verdade, esse é apenas o caso se o modelo for linear, o que a maioria desses modelos não são. Por exemplo, imagine uma empresa que organiza conferências. Antes de decidir seguir anunciando uma conferência e reservar um local, estima o comparecimento na conferência e coloca seu melhor palpite em um modelo financeiro para decidir se a conferência vale a pena. Existe a possibilidade de que poucas pessoas estejam interessadas em uma conferência e que terá que ser cancelada, economizando a maioria dos custos, mas não o depósito não reembolsável no local, que geralmente é bastante grande. No entanto, na maioria dos casos, o impacto do cancelamento, incluindo o depósito não reembolsável, não é considerado no modelo porque o atendimento mais provável é suficiente para evitar o cancelamento. Isso está claramente incorreto. A avaliação correta deve ser menor para refletir o impacto do cancelamento potencial. Outra razão pela qual os modelos de melhor adivinhação tendem a estar errado é que eles assumem que todas as decisões são tomadas pela empresa no início. Não há oportunidade de responder aos eventos para que o valor dessas opções não seja considerado. Novas técnicas que agora se tornam populares combinam modelos de fluxo de caixa descontados com árvores de decisão para dar uma avaliação mais realista. Onde a gestão de riscos se enquadra no modelo Beyond Budgeting O gerenciamento de riscos pode contribuir para o modelo Beyond Budgeting em três lugares: capacitação, planejamento de ações e previsão. Empowerment: sobre o que devemos falar Mesmo sob descentralização radical, a equipe de gerenciamento de topo em uma empresa ainda tem um interesse legítimo nas decisões e planos de ação das unidades de negócios para quem eles deram poder. Quando eles conhecem os gerentes da unidade de negócios, o que eles deveriam falar sobre isso é um encontro perigoso. Aqui é onde o controle central poderia tentar reafirmar-se enquanto os Diretores seguem seu instinto natural de dominar e dirigir. Uma discussão sobre o desempenho até a data contra alvos seria errado e compromete o empoderamento, por isso é vital ter clareza sobre as regras dessas conversas e evitar que os velhos hábitos se insinuem. Na versão de junho de 2002 do Livro Branco sobre o orçamento, há uma seção sobre o empoderamento que diz sobre as empresas que foram além de orçamentar que: Eles desafiaram estratégias locais e planos de ação para garantir que eles sejam suficientemente ambiciosos, mas ao mesmo tempo que são Robusto e que os riscos são apropriados. A interpretação do controle orçamentário dessas palavras é que a alta administração desafiou alvos para garantir que eles sejam ambiciosos e ainda realizáveis. Esta não é a interpretação correta. A interpretação da gestão do grau de risco é que a alta administração tem desafiado a ver que a administração local pensou adequadamente sobre a gama completa de possíveis resultados e que seus planos incluem passos para resultados muito bons, bem como medidas destinadas a reduzir o risco de resultados ruins. Isso pode ser dividido em dois elementos: Estamos confortáveis ​​com seu processo de pensamento. A administração local seguiu um bom processo e pensou que as coisas efetivamente. Eles parecem saber o que estão fazendo. Eles têm um comando dos fatos. Pensamentos claros. Informações adequadas para a mão. Estamos confortáveis ​​com suas conclusões atuais. Suas conclusões atuais podem ser melhoradas. Às vezes, a equipe seniores pode oferecer o benefício da experiência e uma perspectiva diferente para melhorar as avaliações de risco e injetar novas idéias no planejamento de ações. Claramente, o time sênior não pode esperar que a equipe local tome suas sugestões como instruções a serem seguidas até a próxima reunião. Este elemento de desafio pode faltar completamente, onde a descentralização é muito eficaz e a administração local é altamente competente. O formato de uma oficina eficaz de gerenciamento de riscos pode ser adaptado para este propósito, fornecendo um formulário que desencoraja claramente o comportamento de configuração de destino. Os conceitos de gerenciamento de riscos podem fornecer uma linguagem comum para manter essas conversas honestas. Além disso, essas reuniões podem ser descritas aos investidores como demonstração de uma boa governança corporativa e para garantir que seu investimento seja seguro. Planejamento de ação O gerenciamento de riscos também pode ser adicionado ao planejamento de ações para melhorar os planos. Idealmente, deve ser uma parte integrada do planejamento de ação para que os planos sejam moldados a partir do primeiro por avaliações de risco e heurísticas de gerenciamento de risco. Já existem dicas sobre isso em algumas publicações Além de orçamentação. Por exemplo, em Beyond Budgeting, um artigo para Strategic Finance, em outubro de 2000, de Jeremy Hope e Robin Fraser, a seção sobre gerenciamento de desempenho inclui a recomendação de: Um processo de gerenciamento de investimentos que obriga os gerentes a criar flexibilidade e rotas de saída para suas previsões e em Cuja execução é feita no último momento possível. Em Beyond Budgeting. Construindo um novo modelo de gestão para a era da informação na Contabilidade de Gestão, janeiro de 1999, Jeremy e Robin escreveram: A nova ênfase é olhar em frente e estar em posição de aproveitar novas oportunidades e contrariar ameaças potenciais usando um sistema de informação avançado para tomar decisões cedo. Ao monitorar os principais impulsionadores do valor do negócio e especialmente os principais indicadores que nos dizem algo sobre o desempenho futuro, estamos em uma posição muito mais forte para agir antes que os problemas potenciais se traduzam em números negativos. Eles citaram Ole Johannesson, vice-presidente de finanças da Volvo Cars, dizendo: Hoje precisamos de um processo que nos permita reagir não apenas de forma imediata, mas mesmo antes. Ambos os comentários mostram que Beyond Budgeting tem como objetivo ir além de respostas imediatas a eventos. Como isso pode ser alcançado se não antecipando resultados potenciais e atuando antecipadamente para modificar sua probabilidade e impacto. As dicas estão lá, mas, com base em publicações até janeiro de 2003, há margem para adicionar muito mais ao elemento de gerenciamento de risco do Beyond Modelo de orçamentação. Previsão: distribuições pontos não únicos As referências às previsões de rolamento são muito numerosas para mencionar nas publicações Beyond Budgeting. Qual a forma que essas previsões devem ter. A forma mais comum para as previsões é aquela que afirma o resultado mais provável. por exemplo. O VPL deste projeto é x, ou dinheiro livre de y, ou lucro operacional de z em rotatividade de x. Isso não é muito útil para o planejamento de ação e não ajuda as pessoas a apreciar toda a gama de resultados potenciais e suas probabilidades relativas. A incerteza é suprimida. Uma previsão muito mais útil é aquela que afirma a distribuição de probabilidade de tudo o que está sendo previsto. A incerteza é explicitamente representada, desencorajando a supressão da incerteza. Isso é mais útil para o planejamento de ações. Pode-se fazer perguntas como Qual é a probabilidade de que o VPL desse projeto seja negativo. Nos planos de financiamento atuais, qual é a probabilidade de que nosso fluxo de caixa livre seja menor que o montante que precisamos para manter os dividendos no nível dos últimos anos. A probabilidade de a demanda por este produto exigir a capacidade do armazém maior do que os nossos níveis atuais planejados. Isso não é tão difícil de fazer como a maioria das pessoas pensa. It is not necessary to gather a lot of data in order to provide useful distributions. Even a complete guess as to the distribution would be better than ignoring uncertainty as it discourages uncertainty suppression and encourages planning for a range of outcomes. Getting more data and better models to support the distribution simply increases its value. Most distributions are supported by a model that combines a mixture of purely subjective and data-supported estimates. Done correctly this is more reliable than unaided human judgment. Techniques and software are readily available to do this to a level of sophistication far greater than any company could reasonably require. Even using the most common spreadsheet software, Microsofts Excel, it is easy to set up Monte Carlo simulations to explore how events could play out, and run the simulation thousands of time in less than a minute. risk is an example of a spreadsheet-like program that has built-in Monte Carlo simulation and the whole model is in terms of probability distributions rather than single numbers. It is cheap and easily available, as are its competitors. It is not necessary to be a brilliant statistician to build or use these models. Professor Sam Savage has pointed out that software tools for working with probabilities are becoming easier to use and more powerful, leading to what he calls an era of consumer stochastics where many people will use statistical models and tools whose operation they dont understand, just as they would use a car or computer despite having little understanding of its inner workings. Professor Savages work is fascinating and his papers entertaining as well as useful. It is common to offer a single-point best estimate and an optimistic and pessimistic range. If optimistic and pessimistic are defined in probability terms this is a form of probability distribution. (If you can do this you are very close to being able to show the whole distribution in a graph too.) If these terms are not defined then the range is still helpful as a reminder that uncertainty exists, but is not as useful. Even so, forecasting outcomes as probability distributions is more difficult than single-point forecasting and certainly less familiar for most accountants and business analysts. There are many alternative techniques, some of which are hard to understand and implement. Though forecasting with probability distributions may seem unfamiliar and complex now, in years to come it will be as familiar as discounted cash flow models are today. Forecasting distributions is a tangible expression of commitment to keep uncertainty in mind and not make the mistake of assuming one future. It also puts business leaders in a position to say something specific to analysts and investors without actual stating a single-point forecast or target. The value of risk management within the Beyond Budgeting model The sense of control, and protection against future uncertainties, that business leaders and investors want does not have to be provided by command and control leadership, where decisions are made centrally, and where original objectives are the yardstick of success. Beyond Budgeting offers a welcome alternative based on: Giving people a direction to move in. Relative measures of performance that flex with conditions, so staying relevant. Superior forward looking information. Adding RiskUncertainty management to that list would further strengthen the sense of comfort. It would also allow business leaders to make more detailed statements about the future to analysts, if they wanted to, without stating targets. Summary of recommendations for Beyond Budgeting implementations Companies planning to manage their performance better by moving to the Beyond Budgeting model should: Review existing procedures for formal risk management and around major business decisions such as capital and revenue projects and decide what reforms are needed if risk management is to support rather than undermine the Beyond Budgeting initiative. Manage the uncertainty and risks of the Beyond Budgeting implementation itself. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me at matthewinternalcontrolsdesign. co. uk. I normally reply within a couple of days. copy 2003 Matthew Leitch If you found any of these points relevant to you or your organisation please feel free to contact me to talk about them, pass links or extracts on to colleagues, or just let me know what you think. I can sometimes respond immediately, but usually respond within a few days. Contact details About the author: Matthew Leitch is a tutor, researcher, author, and independent consultant who helps people to a better understanding and use of integral management of risk within core management activities, such as planning and design. He is also the author of the new website, WorkingInUncertainty. co. uk. and has written two breakthrough books. Intelligent internal control and risk management is a powerful and original approach including 60 controls that most organizations should use more. A pocket guide to risk mathematics: Key concepts every auditor should know is the first to provide a strong conceptual understanding of mathematics to auditors who are not mathematicians, without the need to wade through mathematical symbols. Matthew is a Chartered Accountant with a degree in psychology whose past career includes software development, marketing, auditing, accounting, and consulting. He spent 7 years as a controls specialist with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he pioneered new methods for designing internal control systems for large scale business and financial processes, through projects for internationally known clients. Today he is well known as an expert in uncertainty and how to deal with it, and an increasingly sought after tutor (i. e. one-to-one teacher). moreIf you are going to engineer a new business, it needs to be provably better than anything else out there. Thats what were doing here. David Lewis Kelly Patchett Shawn Spears Yes: we mean provably, not probably. Different perspectives. One unique company. 8020 Consulting applies the intellectual capital, technical expertise and energy of our team to address a range of financial projects for clients ranging from Fortune 50 companies to middle market and venture backed firms. As a company, we believe broadening the application of the tools of financial analysis and reporting to every aspect of business operationsextending the reach of finance from compliance fulfillment reporting and incrementalist budgeting activity to critical analysis of business issuesis one of the great unleveraged business opportunities of our time. We also know that there are massive productivity gaps between the top individual performers and the average, and we have engineered our company to attract and retain the best. This isnt rhetoric, its fact. Our Team applies focus, objectivity and superior academic and professional credentials backed by a business model that encourages and rewards individual initiative and creativity with a mandate to leave Clients provably better at the end of each engagement. This is 8020. The work we do spans the entire range of analytical and reporting projects that encompass the office of the CFO, as well as: Transactional due diligence support Product and customer profitability analytics Post merger financial integration Project Management Evaluation of salesforce effectiveness and compensation plans Execution of the responsibilities of senior internal finance roles during periods of company or individual transition with a methodology that improves departmental effectiveness Providing functional finance support to systems implementation teams Our Founders also consult directly with the office of the CEO, COO and CFO to8230 Support the implementation of an accountability based culture Facilitate departmental and company planning meetings Develop departmental, divisional and corporate business plans Create detailed position profiles to ensure the alignment of position goals and mandates with company objectives Support the selection and assessment of prosp ective new hires Every project we do contains the potential to create lasting positive change for our Clients, and our Team has the ability and the mandate to realize this potential. To learn more about our full service offering, Contact us today. We just couldnt pass on the opportunity to build a different, better company. Weve learned a lot. Our appreciation for the power and potential of applied finance has deepened through our own experience working directly with Company founders and CEOs. The opportunity to design a new Company which integrates these learnings, the heres what we would do differently, and better if we were starting from scratch was too compelling not to do it. One of our core beliefs is that if you arent going to engineer a new business that is provably better than anything else out there, one which creates a truly superior experience for its People and its Clients, dont bother. Thats what were doing here. Considering a change for your Finance Department or your Career If you are considering a career in Consulting, or if youre an Executive with a project requirement, we would appreciate the opportunity to get more specific and determine whether what we have to offer from a career development or resource perspective is aligned with your interests and objectives. Meet our team ALL MANAGEMENT ANALYSTS CONSULTANTS David Lewis Chief Executive Officer David Lewis has been the CEO or founding partner of 5 companies, one a 600 person family business, three successful startups in the areas of executive search, consulting, and financial project execution, as well as a venture capital backed software development firm. His last startup scaled to a 300 person consulting and executive services firm in seven and a half years. During his tenure, the firm worked with companies ranging from Fortune 500 companies to venture backed startups. He has deep functional expertise in creation and implementation of accountability systems, planning, finance, talent acquisition and development, and key executive coaching. David holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Economics from Georgetown University in Washington DC. Kelly Patchett Partner and Chief Operating Officer Kelly has focused her career on driving company growth and enterprise value through Talent Acquisition Strategy, Human Capital Development and Process Improvement. She has been the founding member of 3 consulting firms, architecting and managing the initial setup and ongoing development of multiple areas of the business. Kelly has led a variety of special project initiatives in the areas of training and learning programs, compensation and incentive plan development, benchmarking, systems implementation, sales and marketing initiatives, and process re-engineering. In her current capacity, Kelly directly oversees the recruiting, HR, accounting, systems, marketing and administrative functions of the business. Kelly is a Southern California native, graduated from Loyola Marymount University and was a recipient of the 2006 San Fernando Valley Business Journals 40 under 40 award. Shawn Spears Partner Shawn Spears has over 12 years of experience in the consulting business, developing relationships with Finance and Accounting leaders in both Fortune 1000 and middle market companies in several markets. Shawns expertise includes solution development, new client relationship development, market expansion, and project management. Shawn has also held several senior management finance positions in companies including Universal Studios, Levi Strauss and Co, Arthur Anderson, Nissan Corp, and ClubCorp. Shawn holds a Masters Degree in FinanceEconomics from the University of Miami (FL) and a B. S. in Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. Erin Youel Manager, Consultant Development and Recruiting Erin Youels career has been focused on many aspects of Human Capital from full cycle Talent Acquisition to Employee Review Management. Her outgoing personality and expertise, as well as her ability to spot top talent, has contributed to her success in attracting the right people. Additionally, Erin is a Certified Boolean Logic expert, a skill that has proven successful in generating new key company leads resulting in additional business. Across her career, Erin has partnered with key members of the executive team to help manage a variety of special projects such as, revamping the employee review process, training, new employee orientations, as well as a variety of other Human Capital and Talent Acquisition activities. Erin is a Southern California native, however spent 5 years in the Mid-West where she studied voice performance. Michael Consultant Michael has over 20 years of diverse financial and operational leadership experience, including positions as CFO and VP of Operations of multiple technology and ecommerce companies spanning several ownership structures including VC, international parent companies and angel investors. Most recently, Michael was the CFO of PeopleMatter, where he developed a budgeting process, implemented controls, policies and procedures, was instrumental in the Series D fund raising efforts, implemented a new Financial system and purchased and integrated a former supplier. Early in his career, Michael was a manager of financial analysis at Brylane, a subsidiary of Pinault-Printemps-Redoute. Michael is a CPA, holds a Bachelors of Science in Accounting from Indiana University Northwest and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Jessica Consultant Jessica is a CPA and Deloitte alumnus with over 12 years of experience, including leadership roles from Controllership to her most recent position as the Senior Director of FPampA at Maker Studios, a next-generation entertainment company. Her industry experience spans the entertainment, new media, e-commerce, advertising, consumer products and financial services industries at companies including U. S. Auto Parts, Napster, Canyon Capital Partners, TCW, Procter amp Gamble, Toyota and UTi Worldwide. Among other accomplishments, Jessica has provided all internal and external financial reporting (including SEC), supported a successful IPO, led MampA transaction support and due diligence efforts, as well as providing financial modeling, data mining and budgetingforecasting. Jessica holds a BS in Accounting and an MBA from the Indiana University, Kelley School of Business. Ken Consultant Ken is a Deloitte CPA with 15 years of experience, specializing in system implementations and development of finance organizations in the start-up phase or companies undergoing comprehensive process improvements or streamlining initiatives. Following Deloitte, Ken held Director and VP positions at Skyway Airlines and Chicago Express Airlines. Ken later joined a small team to launch Virgin America. As the founding Controller, Ken built the finance organization from the ground up, implementing key financial systems, accounting operations and cash flow forecasting. Most recently Ken served as the Corporate Controller at Virgin Galactic, the worlds first space tourism company. Ken holds a BS in Finance from Marquette University and a MS in Accountancy from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Scott Consultant Scott Longacre has over 18 years of finance and accounting experience spanning several industries with companies large and small. He is an Ernst amp Young alumnus, who was Manager of Finance for Disneys Network Television Division before he moved on to Director of Financial Planning amp Analysis for KornFerry Futurestep. As a consultant, Scott has performed system implementations, business process re-engineering, created forecasting and budgeting models, and managed internal and external financial reporting. He has filled the role of interim CFO for several companies, managing them through successful acquisition as well as post merger accounting integration for the acquiring companies. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from the University of Southern California and is an Active CPA. Sue Consultant Sue is an active CPA with 15 years of finance and accounting experience in entertainment, media, technology and financial services. A former PwC audit senior manager, her experience includes Paramount Pictures, Disney, CBS, and State Street. Sue was the VP of Finance at Todd-Soundelux, a post-production sound leader, and the Director of Finance at Warner Music in music publishing. Sue has applied her creative problem solving skills across the spectrum of large, public to small, private companies. She has written industry research whitepapers, contributed to external publications and has experience in leading finance and accounting teams, SEC reporting, auditing, technical accounting memorandums, budgeting and cash forecasting, preparing financial statements, and enhancing processes and controls. Sue holds a BS in Accounting and a BA in Economics from the University of Connecticut. Travis Managing Director, Restructuring Practice Travis has over 9 years of experience in corporate finance and strategy consulting helping clients navigate through complex financial issues and transactions. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, he served as a Director of Finance at FTI Consulting specializing in providing turnaround, restructuring and transaction related services. His diverse industry experience includes entertainment, automotive, real estate, healthcare, gaming, food and beverage, financial services, and technology. His core competencies include strategic planning, financial modeling, forecasting and budgeting, corporate restructuring, due diligence, post-merger integration, valuation, financial statement preparation, and operational planning. He holds an M. S. in Finance and Accounting from the University of San Diego and a B. S. in Accountancy from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He is an active CPA in California and a Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor. Susan Consultant Susan is a CPA with 20 years of diverse finance and accounting experience in various industries including manufacturing, technology and real estate. She is an Ernst and Young alumnus who has held leadership roles at Fortune 500, middle market and entrepreneurial companies as Controller, VP of Finance and CFO. These companies have included Power-One, Clipper Windpower, Allied Signal, and Special Devices among others. Susan has provided financial leadership and project management to accounting organizations, including turnaround and restructuring projects, creating international tax structures, implementing IFRS, managing internal and external financial reporting, system implementation and leading finance and accounting efforts for divesture, acquisition and process re-engineering. Susan holds a BS in Accountancy from San Diego State University. Brian Consultant Brian is a CPA with 20 years of diverse finance and accounting experience across several industries. He is a Deloitte alumnus who has held leadership roles at Fortune 500, middle market and start-up companies in Consulting and as Director, Controller or VP of Finance. These companies have included PS Business Parks, Amgen, MGA Entertainment, THQ, Intuit and Hudson Pacific among others. Brian has provided leadership and project management to an entire Accounting organization, including restructuring planning, managing internal and external (including SEC) financial reporting, supporting a successful public stock offering, leading finance and accounting efforts for a business line divesture, and process re-engineering. Brian holds a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from San Diego State University. Phillip Consultant Phillip has over 15 years of experience in multi-faceted roles requiring expertise in strategic planning, financial modeling, business valuation, transactional due diligence support, divisional carve-outs, corporate restructuring, post-merger integration planning, forecast amp budgeting, contract negotiations and sales operations. He served as a Vice President at Technicolor where his responsibilities included managing all phases of several buy-side and sell-side MampA transactions for its television division, Grass Valley. Additionally, he served as Director of Corporate Planning amp Business Development for Comcasts E Entertainment Television cable network and began his career as a litigation consultant for Cornerstone Research. Phillip holds an MBA from The UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics amp Legal Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Glenn Consultant Glenn has over 25 years of finance, accounting and tax experience in strategic planning, forecasting and budgeting, financial analysis, cost and inventory planning, fixed assets, financial consolidations and tax transfer pricing. Her industry experiences includes biotechnology and computer technology, and she has worked for Fortune 500 companies such as Amgen and IBM. Her core competencies include project management, process improvements, cost accounting, outsourcing, controllership, corporate consolidations, mergers and acquisitions, policies and procedures documentation, external audit defense, SOX controls and assisting executive leadership in cost saving initiatives. Glenn holds an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Business and an undergraduate degree in Industrial Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Steve Consultant Steve is a CPA with more than 26 years of diverse financial leadership experience, including positions as CFO, VP of Finance, and Controller at emerging growth and middle-market companies. He is an Ernst amp Young alumnus with industry experience in manufacturing, distribution, healthcare services, entertainment, renewable energy and precious metals at companies including Lear Capital, Altra BioFuels, PopChips, Signature Eyewear, Unified Grocers, Accuride International and Disney Records. As a consultant, Steve has implemented critical financial structures and best practices for accounting and operational controls, developed fully integrated forecasting models, spearheaded turnaround and restructuring efforts, and led MampA transaction support and due diligence efforts. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University. Matt Consultant Matt is an accomplished finance professional with over 16 years of experience in the financial services, telecom, wireless, insurance and logistics industries. Matt has held various leadership and managerial positions at start-ups, private and public companies including CSG International, WellPoint, Spirent and e-Companies. His investment banking background includes both buy-side and sell side strategies, business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and corporate integration for clients such as Frontenac, Jordan Industries and American Capital. His experience includes strategic planning, forecasting and budgeting, financial analysis, complex financial modeling, system implementations, pricing, sales support and contract negotiation. Matt holds two Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles and a MBA from the University of Southern California. Devon Consultant As a finance executive with 15 years of experience in finance and solid experience in partnering with departments and divisions, Devon has used financial analysismodeling, negotiation, communication, and software development skills to help companies and divisions achieve various business goals. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Devon was Executive Director of Warner Home Entertainments Acquisitions group overseeing title acquisitions and providing financial support for film productions. Devon has also held high profile positions at Disney and CUNA Mutual Group in a finance and software development capacity. He has an MBA in Finance and International Business from UW-Madison and a B. S. in Finance and Accounting from UNC-Greensboro. Maureen Consultant Maureen is a CPA with 20 years of diverse finance and accounting experience across a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, consumer products, e-commerce and entertainment. She is a PricewaterhouseCoopers alumnus who has held various leadership roles and managerial positions in start-up and middle market high growth companies. These companies have included Elements Behavioral Health, Intelligent Beauty, US Auto Parts, Long Term Care Group, and International Rectifier among others. Maureen has a board range of experience in both public and private companies including Controllership, MampA transaction support and due diligence, post-acquisition integration, managing internal and external financial reporting, and system implementations. Maureen holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University. Julian Consultant Julian has diverse accounting and finance experience in various industries including financial services, entertainment, and consumer electronics with companies including Belkin International, Deluxe Entertainment and Pacific Life-Pacific Asset Funding. His expertise includes FPampA, budgeting and forecasting, treasury operations, cash flow forecasting, financial modeling, and operation process improvement. Julian holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of California, Riverside and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California. Adam Consultant Adam has over 25 years of finance, accounting and operations experience primarily in start-up and middle market entertainment, media and online companies. Adam started his career at Ernst amp Young in New York City before moving to California. He has worked as Controller at Fox Family Channel and ArtistDirect, a company he assisted taking public. In addition, he was Controller then interim CFO at Fandango. Adam was the CFO at mOcean, an entertainment marketing and advertising agency, where he successfully consolidated office locations as part of an overall cost savings initiative before becoming a consultant. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from The American University in Washington DC. Adam lives in Studio City with his wife Lesley, children Jakob and Lilly and dog Pi. Grace Consultant Grace is a CPA and a PricewaterhouseCoopers alumnus, with nearly 20 years of accounting and finance experience in various manufacturing, internet and technology firms from equity-backed pre-IPO companies to multi-national billion dollar enterprises. Most recently, Grace was the VP of Finance at Kinkisharyo International, LLC, where she was responsible for all matters of accounting, finance, contracting, human resources and enterprise reporting systems. Grace promotes high accountability throughout the organization with continuous process improvement, enhanced financial planning and employee development initiatives. Grace has completed accounting position papers with respect to software amp long-term project revenue recognition, purchase accounting, restructuring and disposal activities, leases, among numerous others. Grace holds degrees in Master of Accountancy and Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Mitch Consultant Mitch has over 10 years of diverse finance experience including positions in Corporate Strategy, Corporate Finance, and Investment Banking. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, he served as acting Director of Finance at AECOM, where he led the annual operating planning process and long-range strategic plan, as well as a primary contributor on the firms 6 billion acquisition of URS Corporation. He has additionally held corporate finance positions at technology companies Yahoo and Hulu. Early in his career, Mitch was an Investment Banking Associate at Wells Fargo and Hadley Partners, representing middle market companies in the consumer products, restaurant, and professional service sectors. Mitch holds a BA in Economics from Claremont McKenna College and will receive his MBA from Washington State University in early 2016. Paul Consultant Paul is a PWC Alumnus with 15 years of Public and Private Accounting experience. He has held a variety of positions including Leadership and Project Management roles with an emphasis in the Entertainment Industry within the areas of New Media and E-Commerce. His experience in the Entertainment Industry includes the following companies: The Walt Disney Company, Universal, Dreamworks Animation, Warner Bros. ABC TV and Paramount Pictures. In addition, he has experience providing Internal and External Audit support including Sox Documentation, Controls Implementation and Sox Testing as well as experience within all areas of the Month-end close and the budgeting and forecasting process. He is a California CPA and holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from New Mexico State University. Rachna Consultant Rachna is an accomplished finance professional with over 10 years of experience in the consumer products, entertainment, and logistics industries. Her experience includes strategic planning, forecasting and budgeting, financial analysis, financial modeling, system implementations, pricing, sales support and more to help companies and divisions achieve various business goals. Most recently Rachna served as the FPampA Manager at TOMS, a pioneer in the for-profit, for-social good sector. During her tenure, she partnered with global sales, marketing, IT, giving, and supply chain additionally she was a primary contributor to the due diligence process in support of the Bain acquisition which resulted in a 625M valuation for TOMS. Rachna has a B. S. in Corporate Finance and an MBA focused on Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. Anthony Consultant Anthony is a Deloitte amp Touche Alumnus with 16 years of practical experience in Public and Private Accounting including MampA, forensic accounting and litigation support. He has worked with public and private companies of varying sizes and industries including aerospace and defense, manufacturing, high technology, interactive entertainment software developer for gaming systems and retail and trade. He performed quarterly and annual reviews for publicly traded companies, evaluated and documented clients effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls and the integrity of the financial statements and has provided services for month-end, quarter-end and year-end close processes. Anthony graduated from California State University, Northridge with Bachelor of Science degrees in Business Administration Accounting Theory amp Practice and Chemistry. He is a CPA licensed to practice in California. Ameesh Consultant Ameesh has ten years of experience in all areas of Finance, including financial close, FPampA, budgeting and forecasting, financial modeling, financial systems, and ad hoc business driver analysis. Ameesh has served a variety of industries including entertainment, retail, and food amp beverage. Ameesh started his career in sales at Wells Fargo in their business banking division and from there held a variety of finance and marketing roles at Constellation Brands, Warner Bros. and The Coffee Bean amp Tea Leaf. Ameesh holds a Bachelors in Economics from the University of California, Irvine and a Masters in Finance from Golden Gate University. Cathy Consultant Cathy is a CPA with over 25 years of diverse finance, accounting and operational experience, including positions as CFO and VP-Controller, across a variety of industries including entertainment, automotive and manufacturing. She has had over 18 years of consulting experience in a variety of roles and areas from VP-Controller to Project Manager with clients such as Toyota, MGM Entertainment, Spelling Entertainment, HBO and Paramount Pictures. Her areas of expertise include entertainment and participation accounting, project management, strategic planning, forecasting and budgeting, business and film library valuations, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, cash management, cost accounting and system implementation. Cathy holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and she began her career with Ernst and Young. Carol Consultant Carol has extensive experience in finance, accounting, strategic planning, financial modeling, transactional due diligence support, corporate restructuring, contract negotiations amp administration, business development and operations. Her industry expertise covers healthcare, manufacturing, aerospace, bio-tech and entertainment companies ranging from start-up to the Fortune 500. Prior to 8020, she held Controller and Finance Leadership positions at companies including, ITT, SmithKline Beecham and Quest Diagnostics, Paramount Pictures, Quallion LLC and Catalytic Solutions. She is a six sigma greenbelt and successfully led various cost savings initiatives in inventory controls, process improvements, system integrations as well as cash flow projections and controls. She holds a BA in Economics from UCLA and a MBA from Pepperdine University. Kim Consultant Kim is a CPA and PMP with more than 20 years of diverse finance, reporting and accounting leadership experience. She is an Arthur Andersen alumnus with extensive experience in accounting operations, inventory accounting, supply chain operations, project management, process reengineering, systems implementation, policy and procedure development, training development, internal controls and audit. She has also served as Interim Controller and led accounting teams through the monthly close and external audits. Kim has industry experience in pharmaceutical, retail, manufacturing, distribution, technology, banking, family investment and telecommunications at companies including The Disney Stores, Countrywide Bank, Data Direct Network, Silgan Containers, Fandango, THQ, The Rockefellers and Bristol - Myers Squibb with global assignments in the USA, Europe and Asia. Kim holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Syracuse University. June Consultant June has 11 years of finance experience in strategic planning, forecasting and budgeting, financial analysis, business valuation, restructuring, merger and acquisition, system implementation, contract negotiation and operations. Her industry experience spans the apparel, food and beverage, entertainment, manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries at companies including Patagonia, Overture Films, Technicolor and Catalyst Pharmaceutical Group. Her core competencies include business plan development, project management, system integrationimplementation, process improvement, cost savings initiatives, and shareholder package. June holds an MBA from Pepperdine University, Graziadio School of Business and Management and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, San Diego. Chia-Ming Consultant Chia-Ming is a PwC alumnus with experience in various industries including real estate, entertainment, retail, non-profit, and education. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Chia-Ming served in finance roles with Fresh amp Easy Markets and Paramount that included experience with intercompany accounting, management of the close, variance analyses, and internal control narrativesframework. Her areas of expertise span FPampA, financial modeling, forecasting and budgeting, strategic planning, data mining, and fraud risk assessment. Chia-Ming holds a BA in EconomicsAccounting from Claremont McKenna and an MBA from University of Southern Californias Marshall School of Business. Mark Consultant Mark has 15 years of experience in financial planning and analysis, as well as business intelligence systems. He has managed budgeting, forecasting, long-range planning, industry analytics, complex modeling, consolidations, standard reporting, ad hoc analysis and senior management decision support. Mark has extensive consulting experience and has held key finance and strategic roles at Walt Disney Studios, Fox, Sony and Warner Bros. Marks consulting experience has provided him the skills to be adaptable, collaborative across organizational boundaries and adept at process optimization. Mark has also served in the Business Intelligence amp Data Warehousing practice at Hitachi Consulting. Mark holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Denver and a BA in Communication from the University of Alabama. Abim Consultant Abim has 9 years of finance and accounting experience in the banking and capital markets industry in the United States and the United Kingdom. She is a PwC London amp Los Angeles alumnus where she was on engagements of varying sizes, such as, Oaktree Management, Banc of America Securities Limited and Barclays Group. Her work has focused on external audit, financial reporting, and multi-entity consolidations, including experience with both U. S. GAAP and IFRS. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Abim served as an Accounting Manager at Ares Management, LLC. She holds a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from University College London, is an active CPA registered in California, and is a licensed member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (UK). Emir Consultant Prior to Emir joining 8020 Consulting, Emir served as the CFO of Artisan Cocoa, where he was Instrumental in revenue and income growth of 160 over 17-month period. Emir also worked for Mattel Inc. where he managed the full Mattel PampL of a 1.3B business, 60MM in overhead spend across 27 cost centers, and 60MM in MDF trade spend. Early in his career, Emir worked at Interspan in Uzbekistan, where he managed a tea factory with a staff of 125 people, oversaw operation cost controls, sales and expenses analysis, financial analysis, cash flow maintenance, and debt service maintenance. Emir holds a BA in Real Estate from San Diego State University and an MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Ryan Consultant Ryan has 18 years of finance and accounting experience across multiple industries including manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals and real estate, with companies of various sizes. He is an alumnus of PricewaterhouseCoopers with a broad base of experience including financial reporting and variance analysis, budgeting and forecasting, building financial models, acquisition accounting and post-acquisition integration, SEC reporting, technical accounting and developing executive and board-level presentations. Ryans recent experience includes implementing a rolling forecast model and monthly reporting framework for a middle market manufacturing company and managing the transition of the financial reporting function to an out of state location for a subsidiary of a Fortune 500 insurance company. Ryan is a CPA and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles. Leadman Consultant Leadman is an EampY alumnus with over 25 years of accounting and finance experience primarily in the biotechnology and market research industries. Prior to joining 8020, Leadman was the Controller for J. D. Power and Associates and was responsible for managing the worldwide accounting team, coordinating accounting activities with shared services and fulfilling financial reporting requests as a subsidiary of McGraw Hill Financial. Leadman also held roles within partnership accounting, SEC reporting, financial reporting amp analysis and corporate audit during his 15 year tenure at Amgen Inc. Leadman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from California State University, Northridge and is a CPA. David Consultant David is a CPA with 20 years of diverse, hands-on financial and accounting experience in technology, manufacturing, market research, semiconductor, banking and other industries. As an Arthur Andersen alumnus, David held leadership roles for middle market and start-up companies as VP Controller, Director of Financial Planning amp Analysis and Financial Reporting. He has experience in creating an international presence in UK, Germany, France and India by effectively establishing banking, and accounting processes and has assisted with capital infusion and borrowing facilities. David has a strong understanding of ERP systems including implementations and data migration with MS Dynamics, Hyperion Essbase, BAAN, and FAS. David has had solid operational involvement with a proven ability to excel within rapidly changing environments, and to work effectively with a management team to improve financial results. Heidi Consultant Heidi is a KPMG alumnus with over 15 years of finance and accounting experience, spanning several industries in companies ranging from start-ups to the Fortune 100. After KPMG, Heidi held accounting and finance leadership positions at KornFerry Futurestep, THQ, Countrywide, Disney, Warner Bros. and Universal Music. During Heidis career she has had experience in internal and external audit, SOX compliance, month-end close, reporting, forecasting and budgeting, financial analysis, system implementation and accounting process improvement. Heidi graduated from California State University, Chico with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting. She graduated with honors as well as served as President for the honors Accounting club, Beta Alpha Psi. Heidi is originally from Northern California and has lived in Los Angeles for over 15 years. Jeff Consultant Jeff has fifteen years of experience in all areas of finance and accounting, including financial close, FPampA, budgeting and forecasting, financial modeling, and financial systems and has served a variety of industries including entertainment, manufacturing, energy and consumer products. Jeff started his career at KPMG in their audit practice and from there held a variety of finance and accounting roles at Twentieth Century Fox, The Coffee Bean amp Tea Leaf, and Warner Bros. Jeff holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from East Tennessee State University and a Master of Accountancy with a concentration in Financial Systems from The University of Tennessee. Vikram Consultant Vikram possesses over 11 years of experience in Financial Planning and Analysis covering diverse sectors of IT Communications (j2 Global), Banking (Citibank, HSBC, Bank of America), Food and Beverage (Nestle), Investment Consulting (Wilshire Associates), Retail (Harbor Freight) and Entertainment (The Walt Disney Company). His core competencies include managing finance teams, conceptualizing and leading budgeting and forecasting processes relating to the PampL, Capital Plan, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow both mid-sized to Fortune 1000 Companies. Vikram attended Willamette University (Oregon) where he received his MBA specializing in Finance. He also holds a Bachelors degree in Finance and Accounting from Christ College in Bangalore (India) and a Masters degree in Finance and Accounting from Bangalore University in Bangalore (India). Neil Consultant Neil has 20 years of accounting and audit experience in multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals and biotech, manufacturing, retail, health care, service industries, governments, casinos and non-profits. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, he served as a Director at McGladrey in Connecticut and Los Angeles specializing in private equity owned entities with significant mergers and acquisition and other technical accounting issues. Additionally, Neil was a controller for a growing health care entity in Los Angeles where he managed financial reporting, budgeting, internal controls and certain HR functions. Neil is an alumnus of KPMG in Los Angeles where he was on engagements spanning health care, manufacturing, and government entities. Neil holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Southern California. Pom Consultant Pom has 20 years of diverse accounting and finance experience spanning several industries at companies including Amgen, Warner Brothers, Warner Music Group, New Wave Entertainment, Healthnet, CBS, and K-Swiss. She has public accounting background from both PricewaterhouseCoopers as well as a two regionally based firms. Pom has held multiple Controller roles with responsibility for month end close, international consolidations, financial reporting, operational accounting, costbudget analysis, financial audit and internal controls, and financial system implementation. Pom received her MBA from Western Illinois University and is an active CPA in the state of California. Robert Consultant Robert has over 16 years of professional experience in the food and beverage, real estate, manufacturing and entertainment industries. Over the course of his career, he has held various corporate development, finance and audit positions with Dole Food Company, Castle amp Cooke, Warner Bros. and KPMG. His experience includes corporate development, strategy, budgeting and reporting, and he has worked on a diverse set of projects ranging from mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, privatizations, real estate development and special projects. Robert earned a Bachelor of Commerce and Finance degree from the University of Toronto, and is a Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant. Gary Consultant Gary has over 11 years of FPampA experience encompassing a variety of industries and sizes of companies. Most recently he developed the entire FPampA infrastructure from the ground-up for a publicly held company, MRV Communications, including implementing a Hyperion solution for easier analysis and business unit consolidation. Prior to that, he has held analytical roles at both IBM and Toyota Motor Sales as well as an industry leading manufacturing company, Acuity Brands Lighting. Garys areas of expertise include Excel model building, forecasting and budgeting, preparing variance analysis tools and templates, and developing executive - and board-level presentations. Gary has a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta and an MBA from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. Teresa Consultant Teresa has 18 years of finance and accounting experience in healthcare, entertainment and market research industries. As a PwC alumnus, her clients include Toyota, MasterCard, Prudential, Met Life, Raytheon, Waste Management, Johnson amp Johnson and JP Morgan Chase. Prior to joining 8020, Teresa worked for J. D. Power and Associates as their Director of Finance. Teresa also held various analyst and managerial positions at United Health Group, Wellpoint and Disney. She has solid experience in budgeting and monthly forecasting, financial reporting, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, developing KPIs for investments and financial performance, financial modeling and price sensitivity analyses on new business opportunities, systems implementation, foreign currency transactions and valuation analyses for potential acquisitions and divestitures. Teresa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Loyola Marymount University and is a CPA (inactive). Sal Consultant Sal has over 11 years of experience in finance and data analytics. His experience spans companies including Amgen, Bank of America, Countrywide, Zurich Financial Services, and Fannie Mae. He has extensive experience in strategic acquisition, project management, risk, pricing, competitive market analysis, cash flow forecasting, PampL reporting, multi-platform data extraction, and financial modeling. He implemented comprehensive reporting structures and complex database query design for companies in varying industries. Sal holds an MBA from The UCLA Anderson School of Management and Bachelors in Business Economics with Minor in Accounting and Specialization in Computer Programming from the University of California, Los Angeles. Irene Consultant Irene has over 10 years of finance and accounting experience in the entertainment industry. She began her career at New Line Cinema in the finance group. Following she joined G4 Media and transitioned to Comcast Entertainment Group. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, she held a Finance Manager position at NBCUniversal. Her expertise includes FPampA, budgeting and forecasting, month-end close, reporting and corporate consolidation. She is a Northern California native, however spent 10 years living in Los Angeles. Irene holds a Bachelors of Business Administration degree in Corporate Finance and Business Analysis. Tommy Consultant Tommy is a PWC Alumnus with 20 years of broad accounting and finance experience in both large and small companies including Pre-IPO ventured backed companies. These companies include The Walt Disney Company, Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, Maker Studios, DirecTV, LegalZoom, The Rubicon Project, and Specialty Laboratories where he held leadership roles such as Controller, Senior Accounting Manager, Director of Accounting and Director of Financial Reporting. In these diverse roles, Tommy has provided Internal and External Audit support, SOX Documentation and testing, SEC reporting, process improvement and all aspects of Month-end close and reporting process. Tommy holds a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from California State University Los Angeles and is an active CPA. Melissa Consultant Melissa has over 17 years of experience in finance and accounting in industries such as manufacturing, retail, corporate housing, and technology. She has held positions in compliance and internal audit as well as leadership roles including NA Controller for Technicolor Home Entertainment Services and Corporate Controller and Treasurer at Oakwood Worldwide. Melissas core competencies include full-cycle accounting, GAAP, FPampA, internal controls, and process improvement. Melissa has extensive cross-functional experience with accomplishments including managing reconstruction of 3 years of financial reports, leading global SOXCompliance efforts, and converting cash-basis accounting to accrual. Melissa is a CITP and has worked on several systems implementations, changes, and upgrades. She has a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas, graduate and post-graduate degrees in Accounting, and is a CPA and CMA. Bentley Consultant Bentley has over 20 years of finance, accounting, and management consulting experience, including positions as the VP of Finance in entertainment content and e-commerce companies. He has evaluated, developed, and implemented a wide range of financial processes, models, and metrics for strategic planning, budgeting, rolling forecasts, performance measurement and KPIs. Bentley also has significant accounting experience, including public accounting, managing general accounting functions, and financial reporting. Additionally, he possesses significant management consulting experience, leading projects to improve performance management and related reporting for Fortune 500 companies. Bentley has successfully driven performance at companies, including the Walt Disney Company, Nickelodeon, Citygrid Media, Activision, Sunkist Growers, Ernst amp Young and Accenture. Bentley holds an MBA and Bachelors of Science in Accounting from the University of Southern California. Elsa Consultant Elsa has 10 years of diverse finance and accounting experience in entertainment, consumer products, logistics, consulting and medical device companies. Her expertise includes FPampA, budgeting, forecasting, financial modeling, month end closing, supporting system implementations and operational process improvement. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Elsa served as a Senior Analyst at Xerox, Maxum Petroleum and Bunim-Murray Productions. Elsa holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Public Policy amp Management from University of Southern California. She is an active CPA in the state of California. Brandon Consultant Brandon is a finance and accounting leader with over 15 years of experience. His career started as an auditor with the Big 4 assisting and leading audit engagements in a wide range of industries, such as consumer products, financial services, and biotechnology. Brandon then went on to The Walt Disney Companys Transaction Support team where he was responsible for provide expertise in MampA transactions, due diligence, divestiture, technical accounting, and restructuring to Disney and all of its subsidiaries. After The Walt Disney Company, Brandon led year-end audits, month-end close and financial reporting in the retail apparel industry at levels of Senior Manager and then Director. Brandon is a CPA and holds a BS in Accounting with a minor in Economics from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Mike Consultant Mike has over 10 years of experience in roles requiring expertise in strategic planning, forecasting, budgeting, business valuation, financial modeling and both buy-side and sell-side MampA transaction support. He served as a Sr. Analyst at Elements Behavioral Health where his responsibilities included leading the budgeting and forecasting processes as well as acquisition transaction support. Additionally, he served as a Sr. Associate in the Private Capital group at Union Bank where he focused on executing middle market acquisition opportunities across various sectors. Mike holds an MBA from the Graziadio School at Pepperdine University, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Brock University and is a CFA Charter holder. Kalman Consultant Kalman is a KPMG alumnus with over 10 years of finance experience. In his last role he served as regional CFO for a Fortune 200 healthcare services provider. His areas of expertise include financial planning amp analysis, strategic planning, forecasting, budgeting, complex financial modeling, and data analytics. His diverse industry experience includes real estate, healthcare, life sciences, entertainment, automotive, financial services, and technology startups. Kalman has also built a rental real estate portfolio from the ground up, acquiring distressed properties and stabilizing the assets to create cash flow and equity. Kalman received his B. S. in financial analysis and valuation from the USC Marshal School Business. Shant Consultant Shant has over six years of experience in the entertainment industry. His expertise includes financial analysis, FPampA, and royalties reporting. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Shant served as a Sr. Financial Analyst at The Walt Disney Company as well as Universal Music Group. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Science and Economics from the University of California, San Diego and is in his last semester of the MBA program at USCs Marshall School of Business. Kelly Consultant Kelly has 11 years of finance and accounting experience in technology, energy, entertainment, e-commerce, marketing, and legal industries. As a PwC alumnus in the forensic accounting practice, his clients included Microsoft, Rambus, Apple, and Williams Energy. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Kelly was a Controller and Finance Director for William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, as well as a Controller and CFO for a boutique law firm, where he provided litigation support for various high-profile arbitrations, mediations, and trials. He has solid experience in management reporting, budgeting and forecasting, KPI analysis, financial modeling, cost-savings initiatives, ERP implementations, consolidations, SOX compliance, foreign currency transactions, and valuation analyses for mergers and acquisitions. Kelly is a CPA and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Minor in Accounting from UCLA. Yan Consultant Yan brings 12 years of experience in statistical analysis, MampA modeling, dynamic pricing, financial planning and portfolio management. He has held various leadership positions at some of the largest hospitality-entertainment companies: Caesars Entertainment, Tropicana Entertainment, and SLS Las Vegas. He has also advised Warner Bros. on implementation of statistical modeling in revenue maximization. Before joining 8020 Consulting Yan served as a Director of Revenue for SLS Las Vegas where he oversaw revenue management, operational analytics and financial forecasting. Yan passed CFA Level 1 and holds BBA from University of Minnesota Duluth, Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics from Penn State University, and an MBA from University of Southern Californias Marshall School of Business. Radha Consultant Radha has 10 years of accounting and audit experience ranging from non-profits and universities to large companies in various industries across the United States. Prior to consulting, most recently she was a Sr. Manager of Financial Reporting at Paramount Pictures where she managed the consolidated GAAP and cash reporting to DreamWorks Animation and Marvel Studios. Radha is also an alumnus of PwC in Los Angeles where she was on engagements spanning various industries of varying sizes, such as, Valeant Pharmaceuticals, Tetra Tech, Disney, and Morgan Creek Productions. Radha holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from California State University, Fullerton. Henry Consultant Henry has 10 years of finance and accounting experience in entertainment, consumer products, and retail. His expertise includes, FPampA, budgeting amp forecasting, financial modeling, strategic planning, month-end close, data mining, KPI based modelingreporting, supporting system implementations and improving processes using macrosadvanced Excel formulas. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Henry was a Finance Manager at Dutch LLC and held Senior Analyst positions in multiple departments at the Walt Disney Company. Henry holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Corporate Finance from University of Sothern California Marshall School of Business. Christine Consultant Christine is a KPMG Alumnus with over 18 years of finance and accounting experience in food and beverage, healthcare, entertainment, and manufacturing industries. Prior to joining 8020, Christine worked for Dole Food Company as their Senior Manager of Corporate Finance. Christine also held various analyst and managerial positions at WellPoint, Disney, and Danone. She has solid experience in budgeting and monthly forecasting, financial reporting and analysis, financial modeling, and supporting refinancing effort of highly leveraged company. She also spearheaded and successfully completed a system implementation of financial modeling application. Christine earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Economics from University of California, Irvine and she is a CPA licensed in California (inactive). John Consultant John has extensive background in Strategic Planning, Business Development, and Finance. He has been successfully building, developing, and directing decision support, financial planning, and operations finance teams for nearly 15 years. Johns expertise includes complex financial and scenario modeling, metric and KPI identification, creation, and reporting, deal analysis, systems implementation, marketing and business development finance support, and managing finance teams, including budget planning personnel hiring, training, and evaluation policy and procedure development and business and strategic planning. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, John has driven results at companies such as Warner Bros, Napster, Spark Networks, Williams Sonoma, DHL Worldwide, Autodesk, and United Airlines. John holds an MBA from London Business School and a BA from UC San Diego, Revelle College. Seena Consultant Seena comes from a diverse background of retail operations, labor, financial analysis, FPampA, data research, and analytics. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Seena served as a retail analyst for 2B retailer, Harbor Freight and consulted with a variety of companies executing projects in the financial, academic, food and beverage, retailwholesale, legal and investigations industries. His specialties include financial modeling, budgeting and forecasting, compensation, data mining, and strategy. He attended the University of Connecticut where he received his Bachelors and his Masters degrees with a focus in quantitative sociology, and later on went to Pepperdine University where he received his MBA. Alex Consultant Alex has finance experience in entertainment, insurance and banking. His expertise includes financial analysis, budgeting, forecasting, financial modeling and project management of operational process re-engineering initiatives. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, Alex served as a Financial Analyst for Universal Music Group as well as Farmers Insurance. In addition, he was an Operations Project Manager for Bank of America, processing loan modifications for the Making Homes Affordable program via financialdata analysis. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Bioethics with a minor in Literature. In addition, he received his Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from Pepperdine University in 2010. Brad Client Service Lead Brad hails from the great state of Tennessee and holds a B. A. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Following his graduation, he relocated to Los Angeles where he served as a Senior Account Executive for one of the top ranking digital marketing firms. During that time, Brad was in charge of client management as well as training and managing a growing sales team. Brad is a seasoned professional when it comes to client relations and effective strategy building for higher ROI. When he is not at 8020 Consulting, Brad can be found on the golf course, hiking, or spending time with his English bulldog, Bailey. Rachel Administrative Coordinator Rachel has been working in either the consulting or staffing industries for over 8 years in the capacity of Administration, Recruitment, and Support. Additionally, Rachel has been an Office Manager for several small companies where her organizational, time-management, and interpersonal skills proved effective. Rachel is a Southern California native, graduated from The University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts. Brandon Client Service Associate Brandon graduated top of his class, with a Bachelor of Science in Management at Pepperdine Universitys Graziadio School of Business and Management. He has since transitioned into the financial consulting industry as a client service associate. Before coming to 8020 Consulting, Brandon has worked in Transaction Advisory Services for Ernst amp Young, and has held several marketing and branding roles. When Brandon is not in the office, you can probably find him on the golf course Interested in joining our team To learn more, apply online here. Some of Our Team David Lewis Chief Executive Officer David Lewis has been the CEO or founding partner of 5 companies, one a 600 person family business, three successful startups in the areas of executive search, consulting, and financial project execution, as well as a venture capital backed software development firm. His last startup scaled to a 300 person consulting and executive services firm in seven and a half years. During his tenure, the firm worked with companies ranging from Fortune 500 companies to venture backed startups. He has deep functional expertise in creation and implementation of accountability systems, planning, finance, talent acquisition and development, and key executive coaching. David holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Economics from Georgetown University in Washington DC. Kelly Patchett Partner and Chief Operating Officer Kelly has focused her career on driving company growth and enterprise value through Talent Acquisition Strategy, Human Capital Development and Process Improvement. She has been the founding member of 3 consulting firms, architecting and managing the initial setup and ongoing development of multiple areas of the business. Kelly has led a variety of special project initiatives in the areas of training and learning programs, compensation and incentive plan development, benchmarking, systems implementation, sales and marketing initiatives, and process re-engineering. In her current capacity, Kelly directly oversees the recruiting, HR, accounting, systems, marketing and administrative functions of the business. Kelly is a Southern California native, graduated from Loyola Marymount University and was a recipient of the 2006 San Fernando Valley Business Journals 40 under 40 award. Shawn Spears Partner Shawn Spears has over 12 years of experience in the consulting business, developing relationships with Finance and Accounting leaders in both Fortune 1000 and middle market companies in several markets. Shawns expertise includes solution development, new client relationship development, market expansion, and project management. Shawn has also held several senior management finance positions in companies including Universal Studios, Levi Strauss and Co, Arthur Anderson, Nissan Corp, and ClubCorp. Shawn holds a Masters Degree in FinanceEconomics from the University of Miami (FL) and a B. S. in Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. Erin Youel Manager, Consultant Development and Recruiting Erin Youels career has been focused on many aspects of Human Capital from full cycle Talent Acquisition to Employee Review Management. Her outgoing personality and expertise, as well as her ability to spot top talent, has contributed to her success in attracting the right people. Additionally, Erin is a Certified Boolean Logic expert, a skill that has proven successful in generating new key company leads resulting in additional business. Across her career, Erin has partnered with key members of the executive team to help manage a variety of special projects such as, revamping the employee review process, training, new employee orientations, as well as a variety of other Human Capital and Talent Acquisition activities. Erin is a Southern California native, however spent 5 years in the Mid-West where she studied voice performance. Michael Consultant Michael has over 20 years of diverse financial and operational leadership experience, including positions as CFO and VP of Operations of multiple technology and ecommerce companies spanning several ownership structures including VC, international parent companies and angel investors. Most recently, Michael was the CFO of PeopleMatter, where he developed a budgeting process, implemented controls, policies and procedures, was instrumental in the Series D fund raising efforts, implemented a new Financial system and purchased and integrated a former supplier. Early in his career, Michael was a manager of financial analysis at Brylane, a subsidiary of Pinault-Printemps-Redoute. Michael is a CPA, holds a Bachelors of Science in Accounting from Indiana University Northwest and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Jessica Consultant Jessica is a CPA and Deloitte alumnus with over 12 years of experience, including leadership roles from Controllership to her most recent position as the Senior Director of FPampA at Maker Studios, a next-generation entertainment company. Her industry experience spans the entertainment, new media, e-commerce, advertising, consumer products and financial services industries at companies including U. S. Auto Parts, Napster, Canyon Capital Partners, TCW, Procter amp Gamble, Toyota and UTi Worldwide. Among other accomplishments, Jessica has provided all internal and external financial reporting (including SEC), supported a successful IPO, led MampA transaction support and due diligence efforts, as well as providing financial modeling, data mining and budgetingforecasting. Jessica holds a BS in Accounting and an MBA from the Indiana University, Kelley School of Business. Ken Consultant Ken is a Deloitte CPA with 15 years of experience, specializing in system implementations and development of finance organizations in the start-up phase or companies undergoing comprehensive process improvements or streamlining initiatives. Following Deloitte, Ken held Director and VP positions at Skyway Airlines and Chicago Express Airlines. Ken later joined a small team to launch Virgin America. As the founding Controller, Ken built the finance organization from the ground up, implementing key financial systems, accounting operations and cash flow forecasting. Most recently Ken served as the Corporate Controller at Virgin Galactic, the worlds first space tourism company. Ken holds a BS in Finance from Marquette University and a MS in Accountancy from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Scott Consultant Scott Longacre has over 18 years of finance and accounting experience spanning several industries with companies large and small. He is an Ernst amp Young alumnus, who was Manager of Finance for Disneys Network Television Division before he moved on to Director of Financial Planning amp Analysis for KornFerry Futurestep. As a consultant, Scott has performed system implementations, business process re-engineering, created forecasting and budgeting models, and managed internal and external financial reporting. He has filled the role of interim CFO for several companies, managing them through successful acquisition as well as post merger accounting integration for the acquiring companies. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from the University of Southern California and is an Active CPA. Sue Consultant Sue is an active CPA with 15 years of finance and accounting experience in entertainment, media, technology and financial services. A former PwC audit senior manager, her experience includes Paramount Pictures, Disney, CBS, and State Street. Sue was the VP of Finance at Todd-Soundelux, a post-production sound leader, and the Director of Finance at Warner Music in music publishing. Sue has applied her creative problem solving skills across the spectrum of large, public to small, private companies. She has written industry research whitepapers, contributed to external publications and has experience in leading finance and accounting teams, SEC reporting, auditing, technical accounting memorandums, budgeting and cash forecasting, preparing financial statements, and enhancing processes and controls. Sue holds a BS in Accounting and a BA in Economics from the University of Connecticut. Travis Managing Director, Restructuring Practice Travis has over 9 years of experience in corporate finance and strategy consulting helping clients navigate through complex financial issues and transactions. Prior to joining 8020 Consulting, he served as a Director of Finance at FTI Consulting specializing in providing turnaround, restructuring and transaction related services. His diverse industry experience includes entertainment, automotive, real estate, healthcare, gaming, food and beverage, financial services, and technology. His core competencies include strategic planning, financial modeling, forecasting and budgeting, corporate restructuring, due diligence, post-merger integration, valuation, financial statement preparation, and operational planning. He holds an M. S. in Finance and Accounting from the University of San Diego and a B. S. in Accountancy from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He is an active CPA in California and a Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor. Every engagement has the potential to make a meaningful positive difference. Consistent and intensive application of the tools of financial analysis to every aspect of business operations is a massively underleveraged opportunity in the vast majority of companies, most often due to capacity constraints. We also believe: Every C level executive has some subset of their responsibilities that encompass their highest value contribution to the organization, and another subset that would best be delegated to others or eliminated entirely. Every instance of key manager turnover is an opportunity to reevaluate the position and realign responsibilities and mandates with organizational objectives, and this recalibration needs to take place before a replacement is hired. People are most motivated when they are doing work that affects change and requires full intellectual and creative engagement. One highly skilled and focused individual can make a huge difference in even the largest enterprise. Growth is a non-negotiable imperative for great companies great people are growth oriented people and a stagnant enterprise cannot attract and retain them. Every company must have a clear understanding of the key drivers of revenue and profitability and the key leverage points of these drivers to determine operational priorities. Measuring an organization and its people against specific time bounded quantitative goals is the most objective and effective method of management. Why Work Here. You know how the first 6 months of any job are the most challenging and exciting Imagine doing that all the time. Work at Clients across a spectrum of industries, sizes, and circumstances (growing, acquiring, merging, launching new products, dealing with financial restructuring) without changing jobs. Focus on applying your brain, energy and experience to doing great work for clients, without the burden of navigating office politics. Work closely and directly with our firms founders and your colleagues to help build a big, great company, and learn more about how to scale a business. Be in a company that does for a living what you do for a living, and truly values and appreciates what you do in finance. Very few financial professionals have the peace of mind that comes with an employment agreement: all of our people do, so you can focus on doing great work instead of worrying about job security. Get paid to be in constant growth and learning mode, instead of maintenance mode. Know that your great work will be recognized and rewarded, and instrumental in our firms success. Be in a company filled with really smart people who are really nice people to work with. Career Path Acceleration (Expand your financial, operational and management skills simultaneously. Get where you want to go faster. Why wait for a promotion Each year at 8020 is equivalent to 3 years in a traditional role) (Experience what its like to apply your skills in different companies, of different sizes across a multitude of industries doing something different on each and every engagement) (You wont be warming a chair at 8020. Engage your intellectual capacity to deliver departmental or enterprise impact and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference.) (If you do nothing but consistently exceed our clients expectations, you will have the peace of mind that comes with having an employment agreement) Team of YOUR peers Work with other smart people you will be proud to call your colleagues. (Get to know some of the most talented minds in the finance community and share the experience of building something great.) WorkLife Balance (Have the opportunity to do meaningful work without long hours. Enjoy your life. All of it.) No Travel Required (No travel required. Save your frequent flyer mileage for your vacations. You wont have to get on a plane with us.) Portable Skills Portfolio (Broaden and deepen your technical and systems skillsets to increase your marketability) Compensation (Enjoy the opportunity to measurably increase your earnings and be rewarded for your direct contributions) (Fortune 1000 level benefits-Everything you expect to find medical, dental, vision, 401K, Life, Disability, supplemental insurance options, flexible spending accounts and more) Still Reading8230 Ready to submit your Resume What you wont be doing is the same work over and over. To work here, you must be capable of translating your experiences and actively applying your knowledge to solve client problems. Your skills will be stretched and you will be required to grow quickly. Your job will be to define and understand the client opportunity or issue and solve it sometimes this will mean process improvement or automation and other times it will require you to apply rigorous financial analysis to inform operational or strategic decision making. In all circumstances, your job is to leave the client better than when you first arrived. We dont just talk about client delivery, we embody it. That means that youll be nothing but proactive and engaged and ready to do whatever it takes to deliver a satisfying client experience. If you are not ready to play at this level, this is NOT the position for you. What we are looking for: Finance and Accounting professionals that are as concerned with continuous improvement and delivering real value as we are. We insist our clients be left feeling that our work made a notable difference. A combination of intellectual agility, academic professional credentials, relentless enthusiasm and a track record of career achievements that suggests you have what it takes to deliver. You also must be great with people and able to communicate clearly and effectively with Financial, Operational and other C-level Executives. Interested in joining our team To learn more, apply online here. Career Path Acceleration (Expand your financial, operational and management skills simultaneously. Get where you want to go faster. Why wait for a promotion Each year at 8020 is equivalent to 3 years in a traditional role) (Experience what its like to apply your skills in different companies, of different sizes across a multitude of industries doing something different on each and every engagement) (You wont be warming a chair at 8020. Engage your intellectual capacity to deliver departmental or enterprise impact and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference.) (If you do nothing but consistently exceed our clients expectations, you will have the peace of mind that comes with having an employment agreement) Team of YOUR peers Work with other smart people you will be proud to call your colleagues. (Get to know some of the most talented minds in the finance community and share the experience of building something great.) WorkLife Balance (Have the opportunity to do meaningful work without long hours. Enjoy your life. All of it.) No Travel Required (No travel required. Save your frequent flyer mileage for your vacations. You wont have to get on a plane with us.) Portable Skills Portfolio (Broaden and deepen your technical and systems skillsets to increase your marketability) Compensation (Enjoy the opportunity to measurably increase your earnings and be rewarded for your direct contributions) (Fortune 1000 level benefits-Everything you expect to find medical, dental, vision, 401K, Life, Disability, supplemental insurance options, flexible spending accounts and more) Why Companies Work With Us. Consistent and intensive application of the tools of financial analysis to every aspect of business operations is a massively underleveraged opportunity in the vast majority of companies, most often due to capacity constraints. Some reasons why8230 The thoroughness of our data gathering around project requirements The precision of our deployment process The combination of credentials, experience, and intelligence our people bring to the project The alignment our business model creates between our People and our Clients The predictability and dependability of outcomes we provide The mitigation of project turnover risk our model produces The economic value we deliver Lots of other reasons we would rather discuss in person Contact Us 8020 Consulting Headquarters 6303 Owensmouth Avenue, 10th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367 8020 Consulting Headquarters 6303 Owensmouth Avenue, 10th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367 8020 Consulting 2029 Century Park East, 400 Los Angeles, CA 90067


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